Artwork Category
Categories assist in organizing the artwork into separate groups based on your specified criteria. Add New Category There are 3 options to create a new category for the root (outermost level): Option 1: Click New category, enter Title, then click Save. Option 2: Click Add New in Artwork page TheFew readersArtwork Configuration
Each artwork on the artwork page contains the following information: Product name Date created, artwork size, artwork creator Number of templates included in the artwork Number of campaigns using that artwork Tools for editing: Edit: Click on the Pencil icon or product name to edit the artwork. DupFew readersArtwork Size
What is Artwork Size? Artwork size refers to the dimensions of the area containing your design file. It is often set to be the same as the print area size. When creating new artwork, you need to set the size for it. How to set size for the Artwork? Go to the Artworks page, click on the Add New button, and a window will appear where you can set the size for the artwork. There are 2 options to editFew readersCreate a New Artwork or Import From PSD
Create new Artwork To create a new Artwork, follow these steps: Go to Artwork page Click on the Add New button Fill in the required information, including name, categories, dimensions, and format for the Artwork, then click Save to start designing In the Artwork size section: Custom size: Enter the width and height in the respective boxes ( readersArtwork Template
What is Artwork Template? Artwork is where you can set up templates and customize options for a product. Template is a detailed design pattern that uses features within the artwork to allow customers to personalize products in the store. An Artwork can include one or multiple templates, with each template corresponding to one option shown on the live store. Creating multiple templates will provide customers with more personalized versions to choose from. e.g., a design with Dogs theme, youFew readersArtwork Designer (Editor)
Overview Artwork Editor screen The Artwork Editor screen is divided into 3 main parts in the image below: The left part: layer management pane, containing all artwork layers and features The middle part: visual design frame for the artwork The right part: properties of the currently selected layer Tools in Layer Management To add a new layer to the artwork, choose the desiredSome readersShortcut Menu in Artwork
There are keyboard shortcuts available to help users edit artwork more quickly and conveniently. To find the Shortcut Menu, go to Artwork Editor and click on the keyboard icon in the top right corner of the artwork screen.Few readers
Personalization Options
Text Layer Configuration in Artwork
Add New Text Layer To add a text to your artwork, click on the Text icon. If you import artwork from a PSD file, Customall will consider text layers as image layers. You need to Right click on the image layer, then select Convert To Text After adding a new text layer: Area 1: It is a preview of the textFew readersImage Artwork Configuration
Add New Image Layer In the Artwork Editor, click on the Image icon to start uploading an image. The system offers 3 options for selecting images: Upload: Choose an image from your computer and double-click to upload it to the artwork. Library: Select from previously uploaded images (with options to filter by MIME type, upload time, and image name). Import From URLs: Enter the URL of the image and click Import to upload. ( readersOption Layer Configuration in Artwork
What is Option Layer? Option layer is a layer that displays options in various formats, allowing users to select their desired value from the available options. How to set up Option Layer? Click on Options icon to add an option layer Create values for the option in the Layer Settings Label: Defines the title on the storefront. (e.g., Pet Type, Body Type, etc.) Placeholder: DispFew readersAdvanced Settings in Artwork
The Advanced Settings include several functions: Enable conditions, Exclude from mockup, Exclude from print file, and Exclude from artwork. Enable Conditions Use this function when you want to set the dependency of a layer on one or more other layers. How to Add Condition for Layer Enable function Select Enable Conditions to activate this function. 2. Define visibility conditionsSome readers"Copy and Paste Element" Feature in Artwork
Customall allows users to copy layers from one template to another or from one artwork to another, taking advantage of existing elements and boosting productivity by 2-5 times with one-second copying. The attributes of the layer/group, including settings and advanced settings, will remain unchanged after pasting. How It Works Step 1: Select layers/groups in the artwork. Step 2: Use Ctrl/ Cmd + C to copy them to the clipboard. Step 3: Open another template/artwork where youFew readers
Special Features
How To Set Up Spiral Text Feature
Customall offers a Personalized Spiral Text feature, transforming your customers' paragraphs into spirals for truly unique designs. The article below will guide you through the setup process of the Spiral Text feature: Go to Artwork editor → Click on the + icon → Select Spiral text The Layer Settings section includes: ( readersHow to Setup Shaped Text Feature
Customall offers a Shaped text feature that transforms your customers' paragraphs into creative frames, adding a unique and personal touch to your designs. The article below will guide you through the setup process for the Shaped text feature: Go to Artwork editor → Click on the + icon → Select Shaped text The Layer Settings section includes: ( readersHow To Use Remove Background Feature
Customall integrates with to automatically remove the background from photos uploaded by customers. Click here for user experience demonstration: Remove Background Feature Demonstration (Password: Customall)Few readersHow To Use Face Cutout Feature
Customall partners with Cutout.Pro to use AI filters that automatically detect and crop faces from photos uploaded by customers. The face cutout feature works effectively with both humans and animals, but it only processes one face at a time. Therefore, customers should upload solo portraits to ensure the feature functions correctly. Click here for user experience demonstration: Face Cutout Feature DemonstFew readersHow To Set Up Calendar Feature
Customall provides Personalized Calendar feature, allowing customers to customize dates for their special occasions. The article below will guide you through the setup process of the Calendar feature. Go to Artwork editor → Click Calendar icon The Layer Settings section includes: Background colorFew readersHow To Set Up Spotify/ Youtube Code Feature
Spotify Code and YouTube Code features in Customall bring unique personalization to your products. Customers simply search for their desired song, and the song will be displayed after scanning the code. How To Set Up Spotify Code Feature To add Spotify Code, just click on the Spotify Code icon in Artwork editor The Layer Settings section includes: ( readersHow To Set Up QR Code Feature
Customall provides QR code feature that enables customers to input messages or various links, including music, voice messages, videos, etc via QR codes on personalized products. The article below will guide you through the setup process of the QR code feature. Go to Artwork editor → Click on the QR Code icon. The Layer Settings section on the right side of the screen includes: (https://Few readersHow To Set Up Crossword Puzzle Feature
Customall introduces a personalized Crossword Puzzle feature, customizing words to meet your needs. The article below will guide you through the setup process of the Crossword Puzzle feature. Go to Artwork editor → Click Puzzle icon The Layer Settings section includes: Depend on another layer: Enable tFew readers