How To Set Up Calendar Feature
Customall provides Personalized Calendar feature, allowing customers to customize dates for their special occasions.

The article below will guide you through the setup process of the Calendar feature.
Go to Artwork editor → Click Calendar icon
The Layer Settings section includes:

Background color: In the 'A' field, input a number between 0 and 100 to adjust the background opacity. The transparency will gradually decrease from 0 to 100.

Text color: Change the default text color by inputting a hex color code.
Mark color: change the color of the mark heart.
Depend on another layer: Enable this layer to be dependent on other calendar layer, ensuring identical attributes.
Label: Show the heading name of this layer on the storefront.
Placeholder: Temporary text displays in the input field until an action is taken.
Select Date: Choose the date you wish to display on the storefront.
Click here for user experience demonstration: Calendar Feature Demonstration (Password: Customall)

The article below will guide you through the setup process of the Calendar feature.
Go to Artwork editor → Click Calendar icon
The Layer Settings section includes:

Background color: In the 'A' field, input a number between 0 and 100 to adjust the background opacity. The transparency will gradually decrease from 0 to 100.

Text color: Change the default text color by inputting a hex color code.
Mark color: change the color of the mark heart.
Depend on another layer: Enable this layer to be dependent on other calendar layer, ensuring identical attributes.
Label: Show the heading name of this layer on the storefront.
Placeholder: Temporary text displays in the input field until an action is taken.
Select Date: Choose the date you wish to display on the storefront.
Click here for user experience demonstration: Calendar Feature Demonstration (Password: Customall)
Updated on: 25/12/2024
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