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Option Layer Configuration in Artwork

What is Option Layer?

Option layer is a layer that displays options in various formats, allowing users to select their desired value from the available options.

How to set up Option Layer?

Click on Options icon to add an option layer

Create values for the option in the Layer Settings

Label: Defines the title on the storefront. (e.g., Pet Type, Body Type, etc.)
Placeholder: Displays temporary text in the input field until an action is taken. (e.g., Please select an option, etc.)
Display mode: Determines how options appear on the storefront, such as dropdowns, switchers, etc.
- Click on the + Add button to create values. The system will generate new rows for inputs.
- Upload suitable images or select corresponding colors to ensure an accurate storefront presentation for the image switcher or color switcher modes.

- For toggle display mode, enter the option name and set whether it’s pre-selected as enabled or disabled. Then, you need to add a layer and set its condition to show when the option layer is enabled or disabled.

- Adjust the order of label values by using the reorder icon for drag-and-drop positioning.

Default value: The value you want customers to see in the product preview on the storefront
Apply to all template: Allows layer settings from one template to be applied to others that share the same layer ID within the artwork.

Add layers and set up conditions according to the values in the option layer

Read this article to learn more about setting conditions: Advanced Settings in Artwork

The Advanced Settings section of the Option Layer will have the same editing options as other layers.

Read this article to learn more about Advanced Settings: Advanced Settings in Artwork

When using the Depend on another layer feature for layers in a group, any included layer options must be removed.

This prevents the option layer from being displayed on the storefront with the label "Copy of..." as shown below.

Removing the layer option will not impact the visibility conditions of these layers on the storefront, because once the layers in the group use the Depend on another layer feature, their display conditions will align with those of the dependent layer.

Detailed Example of Using the Option Layer

To set up a product that allows customers to choose between dogs or cats using the Image switcher display mode, follow these steps:
Click on the Add Option feature.
Fill in the fields in the Layer Settings section.

Add layers and set conditions according to each added value:

For the dog layer: Select dog clipart and set the display condition for when the Pet type selected is Dog.

For the cat layer: Select cat clipart and set the display condition for when the Pet type selected is Cat.

Upon completing these steps, the setup will be visible in the store as shown below.

Option layer is frequently used when you want to add conditions for layers that use clipart from different parent categories. Unlike the Image layer that uses the Clipart category, the Option layer enables the selection of cats and dogs from different parent categories.

Updated on: 29/06/2024

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