Articles on: Artworks

Artwork Template

What is Artwork Template?

Artwork is where you can set up templates and customize options for a product. Template is a detailed design pattern that uses features within the artwork to allow customers to personalize products in the store.

An Artwork can include one or multiple templates, with each template corresponding to one option shown on the live store. Creating multiple templates will provide customers with more personalized versions to choose from.

e.g., a design with Dogs theme, you can create templates including: one template with 3 dogs, one with 2 dogs, one with 1 dog.

On the storefront, there will be an option to choose template on top:

Create a new Template

Option 1: Click on “+” icon on the toolbar of template management. The template's size is derived from the artwork.

Option 2: With artwork you import from PSD, the definition of the template follows a very simple rule, as explained below:

In the PSD file, you simply create groups at the outermost level, with each group containing a template artwork (meaning all layers belonging to the template are included in that group).

After importing, Artwork automatically separates the standard templates from the PSD.

Edit a Template

Edit a template by clicking on the three dots icon in the toolbar of template management. There are some basic tools available to edit a template:
Rename: to edit template name
Duplicate: to create a copy of the current template.
Move to First/ Move to Last : to rearrange the order of templates (you can drag and drop to rearrange the order of templates).
Delete: to remove templates one by one from artwork
Delete multiple templates (trash icon): to delete multiple templates simultaneously

There must always be one template set as default. If an artwork contains only one template, the template option will not appear on the storefront.

Template Settings

Select Template Display Settings to modify the template name and select its display format on the storefront.

Select template label: to set the display title of template options for customers to choose from. (eg. Number Of Kids, Number Of Cats, etc)

There are 3 display modes: Dropdown, Button, Image Selector

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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