Articles on: Artworks

Advanced Settings in Artwork

The Advanced Settings include several functions: Enable conditions, Exclude from mockup, Exclude from print file, and Exclude from artwork.

Enable Conditions

Use this function when you want to set the dependency of a layer on one or more other layers.

How to Add Condition for Layer

Enable function

Select Enable Conditions to activate this function.

Define visibility conditions

Select Show or Hide to determine whether the layer should be visible or hidden when the relevant values ​​satisfy the condition you specified.

Choose matching rule

All: All listed rules must match.
One: Only one of the listed rules needs to match.
None: None of the listed rules should match.

Create rules for conditions

For each layer, add at least one rule to define the conditions:
Target Layer: Choose the layer that will provide the input value.
Condition: Select either "Equal to" or "Not equal to" to specify whether the selected value by the customer should match or not match the value you set.
Value: Define the value to be compared with the customer's selection, ensuring it aligns with the condition above.

Duplicate rule: Click on the Duplicate icon to duplicate the rule for a new one. Both the Target Layer and Condition settings will be retained.
Delete rule: Click on x icon to delete the rule

Detailed Example of Layer Using Conditions

When you want customers to have the option to enter their own nickname, which is not included in the preset designs you provide, you can set up the conditions in the Advanced Settings as follows:
In Cliparts, after uploading the list of given nicknames, create an empty file labeled Your Own Nickname to indicate that customers can enter their own nicknames.

In Artwork, select Clipart Category → Choose category

Create a Text Layer that allows customers to enter their custom nicknames. Configure the Advanced Settings for this layer as follows:

This text layer becomes visible only if the customer selects Choose Your Nickname with the value Your Own Nickname.

Exclude From Mockup

Checked to hide this layer from mockup preview. This feature cannot be used with layers that allow customers to personalize.

Exclude From Print File

Checked to hide this layer from print file

Exclude From Artwork

Checked to hide this layer from artwork (both preview & print file, only show on campaign)

Apply To All Template

Allows layer settings from one template to be applied to others that share the same layer ID within the artwork.

Advanced settings for groups are similar to advanced settings for layers.

Updated on: 24/04/2024

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