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Text Layer Configuration in Artwork

Add New Text Layer

To add a text to your artwork, click on the Text icon.

If you import artwork from a PSD file, Customall will consider text layers as image layers. You need to Right click on the image layer, then select Convert To Text

After adding a new text layer:
Area 1: It is a preview of the text
Area 2: They are formats for text like familiar applications (word, excel…).
Area 3: It is the area to set for text: value and personalized parts

Text Layer Management

Name the text to remember its content. To change the layer's name, click on the pencil icon or double-click on the layer’s name in the left panel.

To duplicate, hide, or delete the text layer, just Right click on the layer and select your desired action.

Text Features

Text Font

To choose a font, click Select font and find the font name in the Custom section. If the desired font is not available, upload new fonts by clicking Upload font and selecting the file to add.

If you do not select a font in the artwork, the text will not be displayed on the storefront.

Text Font Size

When Auto resize to fit container is selected, the text font size cannot be adjusted.

Text Alignment (Left/ Center/ Right)

Click alignment icon number 3 to choose text alignment: Left, Center, or Right.

Text Alignment (Top/ Middle/ Bottom)

Click alignment icon number 4 to choose text alignment: Top, Middle, or Bottom.

Text Spacing & Line Height

Letter: the width of text spacing.
Line Height: the space between lines of text in a paragraph

Text Color

Change the default text color by inputting a hexadecimal color code.

Text Curving

To create curved text, disable the Auto resize to fit container feature, adjust the curvature using the Radius setting, and modify the text size using feature number 2 (Text font size).

The smaller the radius, the more curved the text becomes.

Currently, curved text cannot be combined with gradient, pattern, or alignment features.

Text Pattern

To add a text pattern, click Upload in the Pattern section, then select a photo to add. Adjust the photo's display mode using Scale.

The maximum file size is 1MB.

Change Case

Through this setting, you can select the display style for your customer's text: Default (Normal), UPPERCASE, or lowercase.

Text Stroke

After enabling this feature, you can select the border color, adjust border thickness, and choose inside or outside border mode.

e.g., the word "Customall" in red with a black stroke.

Text Shadow

You can select the shadow color, opacity, and adjust the drop shadow position.

e.g., the word "Customall" in red with a black shadow.

Text Gradient

After activating this feature, you can select the mode and the color for the text gradient.

Text Position

In the text position section, you can move the selected layer forward or backward another layer.

Text Align

Click Align to adjust the text placement to the top, middle, bottom, left, center, or right of the screen.

Text Transform

Click Transform to modify the text box size (width, height, left, top) , text rotation and text skew.

Text Layer Settings

Auto resize to fit container: The text size will automatically adjust to fit the text box size, meaning that the text size changes when the text box size changes.

Allow personalized: Check to allow customers to make custom changes to the text. Uncheck it if you do not want to offer customizable text to customers.

Use texarea: Allows customers to create line breaks by pressing Enter for multi-line text.

Enable initial value: The value appears in the text box when customers click on the product link. They can delete this value and enter their desired content.

Enable prefix: Set a fixed word or character before personalized text.
Eg. Est. 2020, Est. 2019, etc. (the word "Est." is fixed)

Enable suffix: Set a fixed word or character after personalized text.
Eg. Grandma's Garden, Nana's Garden, etc. (the phrase " 's Garden" is fixed)

Customers cannot delete these characters.

Enable max size: Set the maximum font size. When reached, the text automatically shrinks to fit the text box.

Enable auto line break: Activate multi-line text. Upon selection, specify the minimum font size. When the text reaches this minimum size, it wraps to the next line.

Customers are unable to freely enter text down the line as they wish.
The minimum font size must be smaller than the maximum font size.

Depend on another layer: Enable text layers to be dependent on other text layer, ensuring identical attributes.
e.g., layer B depends on Layer A, entering text characters on Layer A will result in the same characters appearing on Layer B.

Label: Show the heading name of the text field on the storefront.
e.g., Grandma's Name, Enter Year, etc.

Help text: The content displayed when additional captions are needed for the text.
e.g., Please use standard English only and exclude emojis.

Placeholder: Temporary text displays in the input field until an action is taken.
e.g., Type here, etc.

Is required: Tick this option if placing an order requires filling in this field.

Is numberic: Tick the checkbox if only numbers are allowed in the text box.

Min length - Max length: Limit the number of characters customers can input, preventing text from becoming too small when entering many characters.

Min length can either be 1 character or left blank.

Apply to all template: Allow text layer settings and text features from one template to be applied to others that share the same layer ID within the artwork.

Text Advanced Settings

For detailed instruction, read this article: Advanced Settings in Artwork

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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