Articles on: Cliparts

Upload and Edit Cliparts


Cliparts are images that allow customers to customize the design to their preference.
For example, Sitting Dog category including cliparts: Afghan Hound, Airedale Terrier, Akita, ... Customer can choose those cliparts for their design.

Upload clipart

There are 2 options to upload clipart:

Option 1
Go to Clipart page
Click on New Category button
In New Category pop-up, fill in the Title, select the parent category and click OK to create new category.

The system will automatically assign the default parent Root (placing the newly created category at the outermost level). Alternatively, you can choose a specific parent category for the newly created Category, making it a subcategory of the selected parent.

Click on the newly created category and start uploading cliparts using one of the following two methods:
- Click on Add new to upload one or more photos.

- Click on Import from folder to upload clipart in folder format.

Option 2
Go to Clipart page
Click on Import from folder to upload clipart in folder format

Note: A folder can only contain multiple images or subfolders within, not both.

Size limit for Cliparts: The maximum size is 64 megabytes (MB) per clipart (recommend size < 32MB). Each Clipart cannot exceed 64 megapixels. (You can calculate megapixel by multiplying the height with the width of image. For example: an image is 8000x5000 px --> 40 megapixels)

Import from zip file

Zip file requirements

The folders must be zipped into a .zip file (no .rar or .7z files). Currently, only .zip files are supported.
Format of zip file:
- The zip file needs to include a folder named "Cliparts".
- The "Cliparts" folder can either contain multiple images or subfolders inside, but not both.

Cliparts and thumbnails:
- If you want to upload thumbnails for the cliparts in the "Cliparts" folder, you need to create a folder named "Thumbnails" within the zip file.
- The "Thumbnails" folder must have the same directory structure as the "Cliparts" folder.
- For the thumbnails to display correctly for the corresponding cliparts, the thumbnail file names must exactly match the clipart file names.

Cliparts and Thumbnails folders must be placed in the root directory of the zip file.

Images within the clipart category will be sorted alphabetically.
The maximum size allowed is 1 GB.
If the zip file has a different structure, the upload will fail.

How to use

Go to Cliparts screen and click Import from zip file

Enter Title of clipart category -> Upload file and click OK

The system will display a notification that the zip file has been successfully uploaded. However, processing the file will take some time, and the duration depends on the size of the zip file you uploaded.

When the zip file is successfully imported, the system will send a notification. You can view the uploaded clipart category by clicking the notification.


The system will send you a notification when the zip file is successfully imported, if there is a zip file error, or if thumbnails are missing.
Successfully imported
The system will send a notification when the zip file is successfully imported. You can view the uploaded clipart category by clicking the notification.

Zip file error
If the zip file upload is unsuccessful, the system will send you notifications as shown below. Please check the zip file to ensure it meets the requirements.

Thumbnails are missing
During the zip file upload process, if any clipart is missing thumbnails, the system will send a notification with a list of the clipart missing thumbnails. You can click on View category to see the clipart category you uploaded.

Edit clipart

Edit name
Click on the edit icon to edit name of clipart (by default, clipart name = name of the image when uploaded)
Click Enter or click on the check icon to save, click on the cancel icon to discard changes

Delete clipart
Click on the delete icon of the clipart and confirm to delete it. The system will remove the clipart as soon as you tick Yes, tick No if you want to cancel.

If you want to delete multiple cliparts at once, you can choose to show cliparts in detail view, then select cliparts and click Delete button

Thumbnail image is the image representing the original clipart, which shows on personalization form. By default, the thumbnail image will be generated by trimming the blank area around the clipart and change background to white.
Hover on the Thumbnail Image and click Change thumbnail if you want to upload a different thumbnail image to represent your clipart

Click on the transparent square under clipart name to set a color as the clipart thumbnail

Re-order cliparts
Click category you want to re-order cliparts
Choose to show cliparts in detail view
Click Re-order icon, then hold the mouse and drag to the correct position

By default, the cliparts will be arranged in numerical order (001, 002, 003, ...) and alphabetical order (A, B, C, ...)

Add clipart
Click on Category that you want to add clipart
Click Add new

Upload clipart and click Select button

Updated on: 27/07/2024

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