Articles on: Orders & Fulfillments

List of Orders

Go to the Orders page to find the list of orders.

Screen Options

Using Screen Options, you have the ability to hide or show columns in the order table supported by the system:

Simply check to display a column or uncheck to hide it:

Order Screen

Order ID: the order ID created by the Customall system
Store Order ID: the order ID is generated by the Shopify system and synced from Shopify.
Order Date: order created date.
Order Design: the customized order preview
Campaign: the campaign of the order
Product Base: the product base of the order
Product Attributes: the attributes of the order
Customer: includes the customer’s name and email address.
Shipping Address: the customer's shipping address
Total Price: total price of order
Order Status: display the statuses of orders. View detailed statuses of Orders here
Vendor: The names of the vendors receiving the orders
Action: allows you to view details, upload custom designs, and change the order status.

Search order

On the Order page, you can search for an order by entering the order ID, store order ID, the title of the product and customer name in the search box.

Export all filtered orders

If your provider can import orders through CSV, you can export orders from Customall as a CSV file and then upload it to your provider’s system for processing.
You can export the template from the Current page or All orders by filter.

With All orders by filter option, Customall currently supports exporting up to 5,000 orders.

In the Template section, select template → Click Export

You can select an available template

or add a new one by navigating to SettingsExport TemplatesAdd Export Template

You need to check the CSV sample from your provider and then manually edit the exported CSV to match the sample.

More filters

If you need to filter orders based on criteria such as product bases, stores, or fulfillment, the system provides the option to filter orders through More filters.

The system supports you to filter orders by product bases, stores, fulfillment:

Bulk Actions

Select one or multiple orders → click on Bulk Actions → choose Export Order(s) to CSV or Change Status of the Order.

Updated on: 29/08/2024

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