Articles on: Campaigns

Edit Variants in Campaign

The variants in the Campaign will be derived from your selected Product Base.

The number of variants will be limited to less than 100 per product.

Enable or disable variants

Only variants from the active options will be available in the store when launching this campaign. Disabling an option will make all variants associated with that option unavailable.
E.g., if you hide the color Ash, all Ash shirt sizes will be hidden. Or if you hide size M, all shirt colors with size M will be hidden.

There are 3 ways to enable or disable variants based on attributes:

Click on the corresponding attribute

E.g., click on a Color or Size option to deactivate it. Click again to reactivate it.

To quickly select or deselect attributes, click Select all or Deselect all

Additionally, you can click on View variant and select Enable all or Disable all. You can also change status to show or hide variants. Don't forget to click the Save button to apply your changes.

Please note that you cannot deselect all variants, the minimum number of variants before pushing to the store is one.

Enable or disable multiple variants simultaneously

Click View variants
Choose the variants you want to enable or disable
Click Actions and choose enable or disable
Click Save button to apply changes

Edit prices for variants

There 2 ways to edit prices for variants:

Click on View variants to edit prices you want and click Save to apply your changes

Additionally, you can edit prices for multiple variants simultaneously by:
Click on View variants

Choose the variants you want to edit prices -> Click Actions -> Click Quick Edit Prices

Edit regular and sale prices in Quick Edit Prices popup and click Set Prices

Click Save button to apply changes

Easily adjust prices for variants sharing the same attributes by selecting Quick Set Prices:

Choose Attribute you want to edit prices

Edit regular and sale price

Click the Update Prices button to apply your changes

Don't forget to click the Save button to apply your changes.

Updated on: 29/07/2024

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