Articles on: Cliparts

Display Settings of Clipart Category

To access the category settings, simply click on the category and then select the Settings button located in the top right corner

Furthermore, you have the option to access category settings by clicking on the category, then right-clicking and selecting Settings

There are 6 ways to display a clipart category, you can switch these options in a clipart category:
Dropdown Search
Image switcher
Color switcher
Image Dropdown

Additionally, you can use the tooltip feature.

If you want to apply all changes for all subcategories also, you can click Apply this setting for all subcategories also

Remember to click "Update" to save any changes in Settings.


Cliparts in this category will display as list of clipart name (text), in a dropdown option.

For categories with multiple subcategories, when you choose Dropdown, the name displayed on the storefront is the name of the subcategory.

Dropdown search

Allowing cliparts in this category display as list of clipart name (text) and can search clipart name

For categories with multiple subcategories, when you choose Dropdown Search, the name displayed on the storefront is the name of the subcategory.


Cliparts in this category will display as button of clipart name (text).

For categories with multiple subcategories, when you choose Button, those subcategories will display as button of subcategory name.

Image switcher

Cliparts in this category will display as list of images, same as what you see in app.

For categories with multiple subcategories, when you choose Image switcher, you have to add image for subcategories, those image will display in storefront:

Color switcher

The cliparts in this category will be displayed as a list of colors on the storefront. You need to set a color for each of these cliparts.

For categories with multiple subcategories, when you choose Color switcher, you have to add color for subcategories, those color will display in storefront:

Image Dropdown

Cliparts in this category will be displayed as an image accompanied by its name.

For categories with multiple subcategories, when you choose Image Dropdown, you should tick Update default thumbnail for all subcategories to automatically update the thumbnail for all subcategories with the first clipart in each subcategory.


Allows displaying captions when hovering over the image in storefront.
Enable tooltip for itself: display tooltip for the selected clipart category, the caption displayed is the clipart category name.

Enable tooltip for children: display tooltip for cliparts in the selected clipart category, the caption displayed is the clipart name, e.g., Afghan Hound, Airedale Terrier, Akita, etc.

Updated on: 27/07/2024

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