Articles on: Product Bases

Add Manual/ Import to Create Product Bases


Product Base is a print-on-demand (POD) product that contains mockups and corresponding variants for each product (such as size, color, etc.).

Import Product Bases

Allows you to search the catalog and import product bases from fulfillment providers, including all related data such as mockups, attributes, variants, print area size, etc.
Customall is currently updating the catalogs of 5 fulfillment partners: Dreamship, Printful, Printify, Printway, Gearment.

For further information on how to connect Fulfillment Partners, read this article: How to Connect Fulfillment Partners via API Key

To import product bases from fulfillment providers, follow these steps:
First, click on the Import Product Base button on the All Product Bases screen.

Next, a popup will appear. Choose a vendor and find the product you need.

Finally, click the Import button to add this product to your account.

After importing the product, you can edit the details to better fit your needs. Please read the Edit Product Base Information guide below for more info.

These providers are all API-integrated. To directly send orders to the fulfillment provider, you need to import their product base.

If the product you are searching for is not available, please contact our Support Team. We may need to update the API Catalog with the latest products.

In case you use the product base of a custom fulfillment service, you need to create these product bases manually, following the information and requirements of the custom fulfillment service.

Create Custom Product Base

Click on All Product Bases in the Product Bases menu → Click Add Manual

Edit Product Base Information

General information

Title: the name that you set for the product line, displayed on the Customall app
Nice name: the name that you set for the product line, displayed on the storefront
Fulfillment service name: this field is only shown with imported product bases.
Product base category: choose a category according 2 opions:

Option 1: Select a category in the list of categories, to understand how to create categories, click here

Option 2: Click Add category → Fill the main information → Click Save

Description: product description information, displayed on the storefront

Image: the image is displayed on the Customall app

Size chart:

Attributes and variants

Attributes are product options that include color, size, style,... . Each combination of option values of attributes for a product can be a variant for that product. Variants include SKU and price of product.
E.g., a T-shirt has 2 colors: white and ash, and available in 2 sizes: S and M. Then this T-shirt will have (2x2) = 4 variants: white/S, white/M, ash/S, ash/M.
Attribute and variants will be shown on the storefront for your customers choose like this:

Attribute: Click Add Attribute → Fill in Name, Slug, Value

You can:
- Re-order attribute by clicking the re-order icon, then hold the mouse and drag to the desired position.

- Re-order variants by click Reoder variants, hold the mouse on values and drag them to the desired position.

If the product base has been used in the campaign, you can only edit values in attributes. After editing values, you need to click Regenerate variants to continue:

Please input 'slug'='color' for your Color attribute if you want to use the color list from Color manager page and auto generate color mockups.
Attribute's name/slug is unique.

Variants: Fill in Regular Price, Sale Price, Base Cost, SKU Prefix.

Regular Price: The price you set as higher price to the price on the left. This should be added when you want to show a valuable discount of your variant to your customers.
Sale Price: The selling price you set for each variant.

Base cost: The base cost of product provided by fulfillment providers.
SKU Prefix: A product's SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) as the combination of a SKU prefix, created in the product base, and a SKU suffix, created in campaign.

Regular Price, Base Cost, and SKU Prefix are required fields, while Sale Price is optional. You must provide this information for all variants, including those that are disabled, to save your product base.
Regular Price >= Sale Price >= Base Cost

If a product has variants that are out of stock, you can click on checkbox in OOS, the system will hide those variants in storefront.

You can easily edit these information fields of variants using the Import/Export CSV feature.

- Click on Import CSV button to upload the CSV file. This feature is only available for Product Bases that have not been used in any campaigns.

To ensure all variants are uploaded, the attribute values in the product base must match those in the CSV file.

- Click on Export CSV button to export variants list of product base.

With the new product base, you need to fill in the attribute name and values first in order to use this feature.

- Click on the Template CSV button to get the template of CSV file. The CSV template file will contain instructions for importing it.

Click on the Generate Prefix SKU button to automatically generate SKU prefix for variants.

Print Areas

A print area is the specific part of a Print on Demand product where designs can be printed. Each POD product can have its own unique print areas. To add print area, follow these steps:
Click New printarea
Enter Name and dimensions Width, Height

The print area size of imported product bases will be pre-filled and can not be edited.

You can add multiple print areas to a product base, then select the corresponding print area for each variant.

If no print area is selected for a variant, the system will default to displaying all print areas for that variant.

Note: The display order of the personalized sections on the storefront will follow the order in which you selected the print areas in the product base.

Print area will display on the edit mockup:

Input number of width and height in pixel. They should match the requirement of your fulfillment provider.


The imported product bases will include available mockups. You can use these mockups or add your own.
For product bases created manually, you need to save the product base to add a mockup.
Once you have the mockups, you need to Configure Mockup for product base.

A product base can be used for multiple different campaigns to create various products.

Update products in product base

In case the product base has been used in campaigns to create products, the Update products function allows updating prices in bulk for products that share the same product base.
Change price for variants you want update
Click Update products, click OK to confirm, the system will auto update the prices of the products

You can check the results after updating the prices by clicking on Result, then clicking on the eye icon to open the link of the product you want to view.

Product base management

After successfully creating the product base, the All product bases screen will display information such as image, product base name, category, creation time, creator name:

View options/ Edit/ Duplicate/ Delete/ Search product base

More filters allow search product base according to fulfillment, category, sort by (date created, last edited, alphabetical), order:

Updated on: 29/08/2024

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